This week Jeremy and I are on a Mission Trip with the youth group. Finn, Seven, and Rilian are staying with Granny Joyce. Piper is staying with her Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Punk, Mabrie, Allie, and Amanda. Piper is having alot of fun.
I have enjoyed talking to her on the phone. Last night when I talked to her she was telling me about her day and said she went to a Cat Pool. I asked her if it was a kiddie pool because she told me it was 2 feet deep. She said "No, it was a cat pool." Then I guess she remembered it was a kiddie pool. Because she said, "Yes, it was a "kitty" pool." I asked her if she knew why it was called a kiddie pool. She did not know. I explained that she was a kid, a child. And since the pool was made for kids, it was called a kiddie pool.
I thought it was funny! Piper wants a cat soooo bad. We are not able to have one right now. She has a parakeet and one day she was asking if she could have a cat, like she sometimes does. I told her no because the cat would eat Fluffy, her parakeet. Her solution was to keep Fluffy in his cage. I told her Fluffy would be sad if he couldn't come out and fly around. Then the other day, Piper asked Jeremy how long parakeets live. That girl is not gonna let up!
No More Catch-all Sundays
6 months ago