My family went over to a friend's house tonight for dinner and to hang out. Someone notices that Seven has gotten a stool and has decided to push it in the bathroom. They ask "Why is Seven pushing a stool in the bathroom?" Jeremy goes to investigate. I hear Jeremy say, "Piper wash your hands." Finn had gone poo poo and was bending over. For some unknown reason, Piper decided she needed to be the one to wipe his bum clean. I'm glad my children love each other!
A little later, Piper brought me a tic-tac-toe game she had drawn on a post-it note. She was upset because her friend would not play "nic-tac-toe" with her. Isn't it cute when your kids forget the right word?
No More Catch-all Sundays
4 months ago
LOL! I love the poo poo story! Your kiddos are so adorable. I love all of their names. I'm glad you started a blog.