My how time flies! Wow! Rilian is four months old now. Since I had taken his 2 month picture and 3 month picture on his dragon blanket, I thought it would be fun to take his 4 month picture on the same blanket. That way I can see how much he is growing.
I knew he was growing and getting big. At his 4 month check-up he weighed 15 lbs. 1 oz. No wonder he felt so heavy and my arms hurt after holding him for awhile. Without going back and looking, I don't remember how much my other children weighed at 4 months, but I definitely remember that Piper only weighed 17 lbs. at one year of age. Hmmm......
Seven saw me taking pictures of Rilian and of course wanted to get his picture taken with Rilian. Seven loves his baby brother sooo much. In fact, I think he loves him a little too much at times. Look at how tan Seven is becoming already!
A couple of weeks ago, Rilian was enjoying some tummy time. I thought it was a great opportunity to get some good pictures. Look at all the drool coming out of his mouth!
Here is a picture of Rilian with Finn. Finn had just woken up from a nap and was wearing his knight suit. I asked him if he wanted Rilian to sit beside him. Sorry about the mohawk. Jeremy is the one who fixes it. We hadn't gone anywhere that day, so it wasn't fixed yet. It looks better when it is fixed. Rilian's hair sticks up in the back. It is kinda funny. You can slick it down, but as soon as it dries, it stands right back up. I have often wondered how long it will be before it lays down on its own.
No More Catch-all Sundays
4 months ago
Your kids are so cute! Hey, are y'all planning to go to the MOPS playdate tomorrow? Hope to see you there! :)