Friday, July 24, 2009

Finn's 4th Birthday

On July 7, 2009, Finn turned 4 years old. He will start pre-school in the fall, three days a week. He is really excited about it. The other day, Piper got a back pack (a cat pack) in the mail from ACU since she will be starting kindergarten this year. Finn was very upset that he didn't get a back pack. So we went to Walmart and let him pick out the one he wanted for pre-school. Then when we got home he said, "Do I get to go to pre-school now?" It was pretty funny.

Originally Finn wanted to have a Spiderman party. One day last month I decided to be brave and take all four of my children, 5 years old and younger to a few stores. We first went to Old Navy, then Children's Place, and last Target. The kids were good in Old Navy and Children's Place. I should have called it a night then, had I known what Target was going to be like, I would have. They were arguing with each other and fighting and crying! Every mom's worst nightmare! We were on the birthday party aisle looking for Spiderman stuff. Finn was crying because he and Piper were fighting. I looked and did not see any Spiderman stuff, so I told Finn, " I guess we will have to go to a different store, because they don't have any Spiderman stuff here." As he was crying, he looked at the birthday stuff. He saw Yoda and pointed and immediately started laughing. I asked him if he wanted to have a Yoda birthday party. He said he did. I asked him if he knew who Yoda was. He had no clue who Yoda was. Sorry, I am a bad parent and had not educated my children in the Star Wars area. I, myself, do not care for Star Wars. I am not a big Sci-Fi fan. So, I bought the Yoda stuff and before Finn's birthday party, Jeremy watched some Star Wars with him. Jeremy even rented Star Wars, Clone Wars, for Finn to watch. What a dad!

Birthdays for our children mean that Jeremy will be up all night the night before making their birthday cakes and getting no sleep. I had great hopes for this one. It was looking like he might get alot more sleep than he had on the previous birthday cake making nights. Not the case. Jeremy and a friend, Robert, took our children to see Ice Age 3 that afternoon. Which caused a delay in the earlier than normal cake making time. I can't forget to mention Zach. We happened to see him at the mall for lunch, so he joined Jeremy and Robert and the kids for the movie. Lauren and I (and Reagan and Rilian) got to shop at the mall, while they were in the movie.

Here is a picture of Finn's birthday cake. Isn't it funny? May the 4's be with you. Jeremy almost didn't write that. I guess he didn't think people would think it was as funny as he did. I am glad I encouraged him to write it. Of course Finn didn't get it. But us adults did.

Here is a picture of Finn driving his truck around the back yard. His birthday party was a pool party, but I guess he just didn't feel like getting in the pool yet and wanted to drive his truck. It was his party, so whatever. I have to apologize for his hair. Yes, he does have a mohawk, but it looks pretty funny when it is not fixed. Jeremy had not fixed it since he would be getting in the pool and getting it wet which would cause his hair glue to get wet and make his mohawk flat anyways. And the fence in the background looks pretty shabby. It is our neighbors fence. The other two sides of our fence are brand new, but I guess this neighbor did not want to fix their side. You will see the brand new fence in some of the other pictures.

Here's a cute picture of Piper in the pool. I love when I can get a good picture of her. It is not very often she will smile nicely for the camera.
Finn, Seven, Lindsey, and Piper in the pool.
The night before Finn's birthday party, Jeremy and I spent way too long filling up 100 water balloons. It is more complicated than I remember it being. The kids did not quite understand the concept of water balloons at first. They were just throwing them and watching them pop. Look how high Piper threw hers!
We tried to explain to them again to throw them at each other so they would pop and get them wet. They still didn't quite understand. So Jeremy and Robert ended up telling the kids to run around so Jeremy and Robert could throw them at the kids. The night before when Jeremy and I were filling the water balloons up, Jeremy thought it was probably a good idea that my brother was not able to come to the party. I am not quite sure why Jeremy thought that. Mark would never do anything mischievous with a water balloon...Bwahahaha!

The grandparents chillin' in the shade as the kids enjoy the pool.
Jeremy, Robert, Lauren, and my empty chair, as I got up to take pictures.
Reagan was sleeping when the previous picture was taken, so here is Reagan, and Lauren.
Time for cake! I am not sure if Finn realized he still had on his goggles. Piper and Lindsey waiting on their piece of cake.

Present time! I didn't want to bore you with alot of pictures of Finn opening his presents. So I just put in a couple.
Finn is digging to the bottom of the bag to get out all the gifts. There were a few in the bag. And there is Rilian on Dadabe's lap.
This picture isn't very good, but it is the only one Finn would let me get. Granny Joyce made him a king robe and hat so he has his own dress up clothes and doesn't have to wear Piper's princess dresses anymore. It is beautifully made. It is brown and furry. And the trim looks like a cheetah print. So cool!


  1. That is a GREAT cake. :) Great job!

  2. LOVE the cake - it cracked me up and Jeremy did a great job. Happy belated birthday, Finn!

  3. Way cool cake!! I love the blog! And Mark--mischevious? lol...never! Your family looks great! miss you!
